Growing your own herbs in the garden could be a wonderful experience and to use these herbs in the freshest form, can give you a life time thrill.
Herbs are not only exotic and add flavour to the food but each herb has its own exclusive medicinal value.
Grow them and use them - you will be the envy of all your friends.
Appended below is a list of Herbs which can be easily grown in the garden and do not require any special care or expertise:
Amarnath (chaulai
Scientific Name
Amaranthus ssp.
Type/Sowing Time
Annual March - April
Planting Distance
30 to 40
Days to Germinate
15 to 20
Days to flower
90 to 100
Height in Cm
30 to 50
Amaranth is a rich source for vitamins A, C, iron, calcium, folic acid, nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, manganese and zinc. It is used to battle stomach flu, diarrhea, and gastroenteritis. It was used by Red Indians in America to stop menstruation and for contraception. Applied externally, it can
reduce tissue swelling from sprains and tick bites. Not to be used by pregnant or lactating women. It can be cooked and eaten as a meal.
Make periodical cuts every 10 t0 12 days, after 25 to 30 days of germination as it helps the plant to put forth new shoots fast. By this
method several harvests can be had till it starts flowering when it is unfit for consumption
Scientific Name
Aspraragus Officinalis
Type/Sowing Time
Perennial february-march
Planting Distance
Days to Germinate
20 - 30
Days to flower
Height in Cm
40 - 60
They are a rich source of vitamins A, B1, B2 and C. Used in salads and cooking.
If this plant is planted successfully, with proper care it will yield crop for 15 to 20 years. The sowing should be in nurseries after the rainy
season. To expedite the germination, soak the seeds in water for 3 to 5 days. Transplant when the plants are 15 to 20 cm tall in rows. For best results do not harvest in the first. The shoots are called spears and should be harvested second year onwards. Year.
Scientific Name
Calendula Officinalis
Type/Sowing Time
Annuals February - March
Planting Distance
15 to 20
Days to Germinate
15 to 30
Days to flower
60 to 70
Height in Cm
30 to 40
Fresh flower petals can be sprinkled on salads and dried petals can be added to soups. Calendula flowers contain antiseptic, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial properties that promote healing.. A cold infusion may be used as an eyewash. It is said that the sap from the stem has a reputation for removing warts and corns. There are many skin and cosmetic preparations that contain calendula. Infuse the flowers and use as a skin lotion to reduce large pores, nourish and clear the skin, and clear up spots and pimples.
Grow the plant in the flower bed. From time to time pinch out the growing tips, and deadhead flowers to encourage more blooms
Scientific Name
Apium Graveolens
Type/Sowing Time
Annual August
Planting Distance
45 to 60
Days to Germinate
30 to 45
Days to flower
100 to 125
Height in Cm
100 to 120
celery seeds are used as salad dressings, in sauces and food industry.
The sensory character of celery is warm, sweet and spicy aroma with
penetrating, warmly aromatic and slightly burning flavour. It has anti
arthritic, diuretic and tranquilizing properties.
The sowing is done in nurseries and the seedlings transplanted in six to eight week's time. Harvest the seed pods when they turn light brown and dry them in shade. Shake out the seeds and store in air tight containers.
Scientific Name
Coriandrum Sativum
Type/Sowing Time
Annual Oct-Nov
Planting Distance
10 to 12
Days to Germinate
10 to 15
Days to flower
75 to 90
Height in Cm
30 to 40
Coriander is good for the digestive system, reducing flatulence, stimulating the appetite and aiding the secretion of gastric juices. Bruised seed can be applied externally as a poultice to relieve painful joints and rheumatism
green leaves can be plucked throughout the growing season. These are
used for cooking. The crop is ready for harvesting by April. Dry the
seeds and store in air tight containers.
Scientific Name
Nigella Sativa
Type/Sowing Time
Annual Sept - Oct
Planting Distance
12 to 15
Days to Germinate
30 to 45
Days to flower
100 to 125
Height in Cm
60 to 100
It possesses a strong characteristic aroma and is used as a condiment in food cooking. It acts as a digestive agent and has anti-flatulence and anti-spasmodic properties
When the seed pods become brown cut the same and keep them in the shade to dry. Shake out the seeds.
Scientific Name
Anerhum Gravelens
Type/Sowing Time
Annual Oct
Planting Distance
Days to Germinate
10 to 15
Days to flower
70 to 90
Height in Cm
90 to 100
Dill is an antispasmodic and calmative. Dill tea or water is a popular remedy for an upset stomach, hiccups, or insomnia. For a nursing mother it promotes the flow of milk. It is also an appetite stimulant. It is a constituent of gripe water and other children's medicines because of its ability to ease flatulence and colic. The seed, whole or ground is a valuable replacement for salt where a salt free diet must be followed. Try chewing the seeds to sweeten the breath. Crush and infuse seeds to make a nail strengthening bath.
Snipe as desired. During winter cut it down to about 5 cm from the base.
Scientific Name
Foeniculum Vulgare
Type/Sowing Time
Perennial Oct
Planting Distance
In bunches of 12-15
Days to Germinate
10 to 15
Days to flower
150 to 200
Height in Cm
100 to 150
Its seeds are used in preparation of medicines. They are also used as a spice in cooking for its flavour. The essential oil is used in confectionery, perfume and pharma industry.
Pinch out the flowering stems unless the seeds are required. Harvest the seed heads and spread them across a paper to dry. When dry shake off the seeds and store in air tight containers. Cut it down almost to the base in winter and keep dry and cool until spring for the second crop.
Scientific Name
Trigonella Foenum - Graecuml.
Type/Sowing Time
Annual Oct-Nov
Planting Distance
20 to 30
Days to Germinate
15 to 20
Days to flower
120 to 150
Height in Cm
18 to 20
It is used mainly as a condiment as the seeds add nutritive value and flavour to the food. Also used in preparation of medicines.
Harvest the crop in April when the pods turn light yellow. Dry in shade and shake out the seeds.
Scientific Name
Type/Sowing Time
Annual Feb-March
Planting Distance
12 to 15
Days to Germinate
30 to 45
Days to flower
100 to 125
Height in Cm
30 40
Perennial Propagation From Cuttings In January Garlic has shown to reduce blood pressure, and is useful in guarding against strokes. It has helped in controlling diarrhea, dysentery, TB, whooping cough, typhoid, and hepatitis. And it can be use to expel worms. It is also used for toothache, earache, coughs and colds. A decaying tooth will hurt less if packed with garlic pulp until treatment can be obtained. Externally, garlic can be applied to insect bites, and boils
Scientific Name
Type/Sowing Time
Propagation From Root Cuttings Perennial Feb - March
Planting Distance
6 to 8
Days to Germinate
7 to 10
Days to flower
150 to 200
Height in Cm
30 to 40
Peppermint is aromatic, calmative, antiseptic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-parasitic, and is also a stimulant. What more could you ask for. It can be used for gastro-intestinal disorders, It is really good for nervous headaches, and as a way to increase concentration. Externally, peppermint oil can be used in a massage to relieve muscular pain
Snip as desired. To harvest pick the leaves for fresh use throughout the growing season. Pick leaves for drying or freezing before the mint flowers The harvested leaves can de dried by hanging. The dried leaves to be stored in air tight containers. Cut the plant to 6-8 cms from root level for better sprouting.
Scientific Name
Type/Sowing Time
Perennial February - March
Planting Distance
18 to 25 30 to 45
Days to Germinate
30 to 45
Days to flower
100 to 125
Height in Cm
40 to 60
This plant is considered as one of the best antiseptics. Oregana tea helps ease bad colds, has a tranquilizing effect on nerves, and helps settle upset stomachs. It is said to also help prevent sea sickness. Chew the leaf for temporary relief from toothache, or rub a drop of essential oil on the gums. Also, a few drops of this essential oil on the pillow will help you sleep.
After flowering trim the plant to prevent it from becoming straggly. You can also divide the plant in the late summer. Before the plant dies in the winter, cut back the year's growth to within 3 inches of the ground. During the winter they need to be mulched heavily if you live in very cold regions. To harvest, pick leaves when ever available for use fresh. They can be dried or frozen, or put in oil or vinegar.
Scientific Name
Petroselinum Crispun
Type/Sowing Time
Biennial March - April
Planting Distance
20 to 30
Days to Germinate
30 to 45
Days to flower
90 to 100
Height in Cm
30 to 45
It is a rich source for vitamin C and Iron. It promotes the flow of urine and is good for bladder infections. Its leaves possess sensory character. Its leaves are used as mouth freshener. These are also used in cooking for flavour and taste.
do not like to be distrubed as such should be sown in permenent
locations. Pour boiling water after sowing to aid germination. To
maintain biennial character remove all flowering stems.
Scientific Name
Rosmarinus Officinals
Type/Sowing Time
Perennial September - October
Planting Distance
3 to 4 seeds in each Clay Pot
Days to Germinate
20 to 30
Days to flower
60 to 80
Height in Cm
30 to 60
Rosemary is a stimulant of the circulatory system. It is used to treat bites and stings externally. Internally it is used to treat migraines, bad breath, and to stimulate the sexual organs. It is also used to treat nervous disorders, upset stomachs, and is used to regulate the menstrual cycle and to ease cramps. Mix the crushed leaves generously into meats, fish, potato salads, etc. at your next picnic to prevent food poisoning. The essential oil is used in aromatherapy as an inhalant and decongestant, and to enhance memory and clear concentration. It is also used in lotions to ease arthritis and muscle pain.
Cut back after flowering to keep it from becoming leggy.
Scientific Name
Ocimum Basolicum
Type/Sowing Time
Annual April
Planting Distance
12 to 15
Days to Germinate
15 to 25
Days to flower
60 to 80
Height in Cm
30 to 40
Basil is used to treat stomach cramps, vomiting, fevers, colds, flu, headaches, whooping cough, and menstrual pains. It is also used to reduce stomach acid, making it a valuable part of any treatment for ulcers, and a valuable addition to any recipe using tomatoes for those with sensitive stomachs. Externally, it can be used for insect bites, to draw out the poisons. It has been used in other countries to eliminate worms from the intestines, and the oil from basil leaves is applied directly to the skin to treat acne. It is used if cooking and in cakes for it aroma.
Re-plant in 18 to 25 cm clay pots. When two sets of proper leaves appear, pinch out to encourage bushing. Prevent flowering and snip leaves from the top to promote leaf growth. Water well as it needs lot of water.
Scientific Name
Thymes x Citriodurus 'Argenteus'
Type/Sowing Time
Perennial September - October
Planting Distance
30 to 40
Days to Germinate
Days to flower
90 to 120
Height in Cm
90 to 120
Thyme is a powerful antiseptic. It is used in cases of anemia, bronchial ailments, and intestinal disturbances. It is used as an antiseptic against tooth decay, and destroys fungal infections as in athlete's foot and skin parasites such as crabs and lice. It is good for colic, flatulence, and colds.
As the plants mature, the crown dies out leaving the edges most actively growing; they should be cut back regularly. To dry the leaves, harvest them just before the plants bloom. Lay them on a screen to dry.
Scientific Name
Type/Sowing Time
Perennial Propagation From Cuttings In January
Planting Distance
25 to 30 or in clay pots
Days to Germinate
15 to 20 to take root
Days to flower
5 to 90
Height in Cm
18 to 30
These are popular because of their pungent, spicy foliage aromas that are invaluable for potpourris, preserves, desserts, punches, vinegars, teas, and sachets. The leaves lose their color and turn brown when dried, but retain their fragrance.
Start with cuttings rooted in damp moss mixed with perlite or vermiculite. Pinch the plants to encourage branching. Since scented geraniums are tender perennials, those that are grown out-of-doors in summer can be potted up in the fall and overwintered indoors as houseplants. Pick leaves during the growing season, for fresh use or drying
Scientific Name
Type/Sowing Time
Annuals Sept
Planting Distance
60 X 30
Days to Germinate
Days to flower
150 to 200
Height in Cm
45 to 60
45 to 60
Harvest in May and keep the pods in shade to dry. Shake out the seeds
Scientific Name
Type/Sowing Time
15 to 20
Planting Distance
15 to 20
Days to Germinate
30 to 40
Days to flower
100 to 125
Height in Cm
30 to 90
Lavender has been used medicinally to soothe, sedate, and suppress. The essential oil is in great demand today. Traditionally the oil was inhaled to prevent vertigo and fainting. It is an excellent remedy for burns and stings, and it is used to heal cuts. They say if you add 6 drops of oil to bath water it will calm irritable children and help them sleep. Place 1 drop on the temple for a headache. The best oil is made from distillation and may be bought from many shops. Lavender makes a good moth repellent, and is used for beauty care. The flowers and leaves can also be used in vinegars and jellies.
English lavender, is a lovely, aromatic evergreen shrub. The leaves are grey green and are narrow and the flowers are either blue, pink, purple, or white depending on the variety. Gather the flowers just as they open, and dry on open trays or by hanging in small bunches. Pick the leaves anytime for fresh use, or before flowering if drying.
Scientific Name
Melissa Officinalis
Type/Sowing Time
Perennial September - October
Planting Distance
12 to 15
Days to Germinate
15 to 20
Days to flower
60 to 80
Height in Cm
40 to 50
Lemon Balm is used to treat children with fever, flu, and colds. In adults, it treats colds, headaches, depression, menstrual cramps, insomnia, and nervous stomachs. The crushed leaves are applied to wounds and insect bites to aid in healing. The essential oil, also known as Melissa, is used in aromatherapy to ease depression.
Snip as desired. During winter cut it down to about 5 cm from the base.
Scientific Name
Salvia Officinals
Type/Sowing Time
Perennial April
Planting Distance
15 to 20
Days to Germinate
20 to 30
Days to flower
70 to 80
Height in Cm
45 to 60
Sage is used to relieve excess mucous buildup. It is beneficial to the mind by easing mental exhaustion and by strengthening the concentrating abilities. In a lotion or salve, it is useful for treating sores and skin eruptions, and for stopping bleeding in all cuts. Chewing the fresh leaves soothes mouth sores and sore throats.. It is good for all stomach troubles, diarrhea, gas, flu and colds. As a hair rinse, it removes dandruff. Sage combined with peppermint, and rosemary provides an excellent headache remedy. It is used to regulate the menstrual cycle, to decrease milk flow in lactating women, aids in treating hot flashes, and is used as a deodorant. The foliage can be used in cooking.
Snip as desired until September when leaves loose their flavour. New growth again starts in spring.
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